Have been working on a Mars Lander and wanted to share my progress. Needs some work on the engine-burst and the environment, but pretty happy with the result so far.
Also started animating the landing and working on some small tutorials with things I ran into creating the lander. Hope to post them in the near future. As always all feedback is welcome.

Used & Recommended Addons:
Hard Ops: BlenderMarket
Boxcutter: BlenderMarket
Hard Ops / Boxcutter Ultimate Bundle: BlenderMarket
MESHmachine: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
DECALmachine: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
Modifier List: GitHub
Powersave: Gumroad
Recommended Artists & Creators:
MACHINƎ: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
MasterXeon1001: BlenderMarket | Youtube
Josh Gambrell: Youtube
Ponte Ryuurui: Youtube