Mars-Lander Animation

Finished the landing-scene animation. Baking the smoke and fire was quite a challenge on my laptop. Next time I think I’ll just use the smoke coming out of it while rendering the animationšŸ˜‹. Don’t forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more of this coming your wayšŸ˜‰.

Used & Recommended Addons:
Hard Ops: BlenderMarket
Boxcutter: BlenderMarket
Hard Ops / Boxcutter Ultimate Bundle: BlenderMarket
MESHmachine: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
DECALmachine: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
Modifier List: GitHub
Powersave: Gumroad

Recommended Artists & Creators:
MACHINʎ: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
MasterXeon1001: BlenderMarket | Youtube
Josh Gambrell: Youtube
Ponte Ryuurui: Youtube

Mars Lander

Have been working on a Mars Lander and wanted to share my progress. Needs some work on the engine-burst and the environment, but pretty happy with the result so far.
Also started animating the landing and working on some small tutorials with things I ran into creating the lander. Hope to post them in the near future. As always all feedback is welcome.

Used & Recommended Addons:
Hard Ops: BlenderMarket
Boxcutter: BlenderMarket
Hard Ops / Boxcutter Ultimate Bundle: BlenderMarket
MESHmachine: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
DECALmachine: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
Modifier List: GitHub
Powersave: Gumroad

Recommended Artists & Creators:
MACHINʎ: BlenderMarket | Gumroad
MasterXeon1001: BlenderMarket | Youtube
Josh Gambrell: Youtube
Ponte Ryuurui: Youtube


This has become our intro which we will use in future videos or games. It is finished for now, but we still have tons of ideas to improve or change. Any suggestions are more than welcome and don’t forget to like and subscribe.