If we were to make #GameDevTutorial videos or maybe even a full blown #GameDevCourse, where would you like to start? As an absolute beginner and learn to code first or jump right into #Unity3d or #Blender and start creating? #PreparingFor2020
Not to worry…
We know it has been quiet here for the last couple of weeks, but not to worry! We are preparing great stuff for next year!
Gameloop finished
As mentioned previously, we are dusting off old projects, running them through a new version of Unity, fix what needs fixing and getting them ready as far as a simple game loop.
Although you won’t see it in the video, the game loop of dying by the hand of these zombies and restarting, is finished. We still need a win-scenario though and obviously a lot more still to do as everything is very clunky and unpolished, but happy with how far we’ve come with our first zombie-survival-horror-prototype.
Starting over
Remember this project? It might look different than you recall and then you are entirely correct. We kinda started over. The code was becoming cluttered and we had some performance issues, so we started to build it up again from scratch. Using the parts we knew where good and wend on from there.
We also got some amazing free assets from the Unity Store so we can first focus on the coding and later maybe swap it with our own.
Low-poly Sports car #20
City Voxel Pack
Low Poly Street Pack
Next we are implementing the obstacles to swirl around and having a look at other traffic to avoid.
HDRP update and enemy behaviour
Although “Life…” has become our new pet-project we still want to progress our first ever project called “Project Marvin”.
With the coming of Unity 2019.2 we’ve chosen to use the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) to get the most awesome graphics. Also overhauling the complete terrain, lighting and pretty much every system we previously had in place, to get most out of this new version of Unity 3D.
Unlike you’ve seen in our previous clips, to make the game more interesting, we are now introducing enemies. As of now they can patrol, chase, search, attack and of course return to their patrolling route.
I took an arrow in the knee
We are not that far apart from actually firing that arrow, but we wanted to show you our latest work on the Castle-scene.
Yes, we need more set-dressing. Yes, we need to dial down some effects, and yes, some animations are a bit wonky, but we are getting there. Baby-steps, just like in real life.
Our main focus now is to get a good working game-loop in for just this one level. Getting all the basic mechanics in and think of some cool puzzles.
Game footage
Just a small impression of one of the scenes we are currently building.

Redo of all animations
Currently we are in the process of a large animation-do-over. We decided to create an aiming mechanisme to let the player shoot things, but with that we felt the need to start from scratch with our animations to ensure a more natural transition into the unarmed or armed state.
This short clip shows our new walk animation. In the days to follow we will work on running and jumping, but also creating the aiming animations.
Stitching it together
So it has been a while since we last uploaded a video for Project “Life…”, but that doesn’t mean we’ve not worked on it. Not as much as we wanted, because real life intervened, but none the less.
In this clip we tried to show you a complete picture of what we got so far. From all the rough animations, till stitching levels together with some sort of portal. Opening doors and making the game pop just a little bit more with the help of post processing.
Now we really want to focus on getting the levels larger and packed with cool puzzles for the player to solve.
Mars Assembly Building Tour
Our first tour in the Mars Assembly Building. Still a lot of work to be done, but this is a good impression of what Project Marvin is going to look like inside the building. As always feedback and tips are very welcome.